
Setinahighfantasyworld,thegamefollowsthreeheroesastheyattempttoclaimthelegendaryManaSwordandpreventtheBenevodonsfrombeingunleashedand ...,2019年6月27日—Thebadnews:CollectionofMana,theSwitchgamethatincludesTrials,doesn'thaveamanual,andTrialsisacomplicatedgame.Here'swhatyou ...,TrialsofMana(聖剣伝説3SeikenDensetsuSurī,lit.HolySwordLegend3)isanactionrole-playinggameoriginallypublishedbySquare(now...

Trials of Mana

Set in a high fantasy world, the game follows three heroes as they attempt to claim the legendary Mana Sword and prevent the Benevodons from being unleashed and ...

Trials Of Mana Has No Manual, So Here's How To Play It

2019年6月27日 — The bad news: Collection of Mana, the Switch game that includes Trials, doesn't have a manual, and Trials is a complicated game. Here's what you ...

Trials of Mana | Wiki of Mana

Trials of Mana (聖剣伝説3 Seiken Densetsu Surī, lit. Holy Sword Legend 3) is an action role-playing game originally published by Square (now Square Enix), and ...

Was Trials of Mana Worth Growing Up For?

2020年4月17日 — Trials of Mana is one of the most immersive audiovisual experiences on the SNES. The emphasis on audiovisual beauty comes at a cost, however, ...


2023年4月6日 — Graphics: Hands down one of the best, if not the best, looking SNES game I've ever played. Excellent use of color, enchanting backgrounds, and ...

Trials of Mana absolutely destroys Secret ...

2020年5月26日 — Secret of Mana was developed as a SNES CD (Nintendo PlayStation) game, then had to be backported to the regular SNES. Tons of content was cut, ...

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